Why Canon Law?
The purpose of this Blog is to talk about law, canon law, and Catholic things from my perspective of law and canon law. If you are a canon lawyer, you probably will not like it. I am gearing this to the folks in the pews and maybe a few who are interested in getting into one in a Catholic Church. I have never held any job or office or position in the Catholic Church that actually pays. I found the best part of that is that the Church could never fire me and so never had a financial leverage over me. That was always important to me. I have done a lot of work on cases for different bishops, religious orders, dioceses and individuals, but never drew down a salary in any diocese. I hung up my shingle the day I passed the PA Bar exam, on the first try! So, in my civil practice, where I have also never worked for anyone but my clients, I have found that professional non-affiliation works just fine for me. I hope it does for you too.
Canon Law 101 Blog
St. Raymond Penyafort
St. Raymond of Penyafort is the patron saint of lawyers but most specifically, Canon Lawyers. He was a Dominican Friar of the 13th century who assembled the Decretals of Gregory XIV.
So You want to be a Canon Lawyer — Where to Study Part I
When I was putting together my law office letterhead I indicated that I have my license in Canon Law. This has led to many, many questions from those who notice it. The Question I am asked most about Canon Law is, what is it?
Catholic Masses for Veterans
Well, in most parishes in the US, the books are now open! That is, each parish Mass Book for 2021 is ready to be filled.