
Canon Lawyers and United Staes Supreme Court Justices have something special in common.  Neither group has a Code of Responsibility, often referred to as Ethics.  We as canon lawyers shouldn’t need one, but current events prove that the Justices do.  Let’s leave that for another day.

Pope Francis is high on ethics, more than ever this year and that is because he is taking on Artificial Intelligence in an urgent way.    In January he released his Message, “Artificial Intelligence and Peace”.  Think about that.  It’s deep.  There are so many writings on AI, AI for entrepreneurs, for educators, for health care providers.  How to make a million from AI is my favorite (because so many are trying to do it)

The concept of “ethics” is what is at the heart of Pope Francis’ “Artificial Intelligence and Peace.”  When printed out, this piece is eight pages long.  The Holy Father says the word Ethics, or a derivative of it, twenty times (in 8 pages!).   I think “AI and Peace” may be the best eight pages of Pope Francis’ writings.  This is just an excellent read, for me, it was inspirational.  It’s written in an understandable way.  I didn’t have to look up any words until page four!  And that was algorithm.  Make sure you understand that word before you start this read.  It also appears numerous times in AI and Peace.

Pope Francis has an AI perspective that centers around the ethical use of AI to benefit humanity and not to amplify the inequalities that can harm individuals.  The Holy Father has addressed AI and peace in several contexts, but he always emphasizing human dignity and the common good in using it. 

Pope Francis isn’t done with Ethics and AI yet.  Get on board and read his message.  It is the best base I can think of, to take on AI  yourself.


AI and Catholicism


Canon Law in Syracuse