More AI, Ethics and Pope Francis

Last week, I talked about Pope Francis taking aim at Artificial Intelligence.  His recurring theme is AI and Ethics being the only way to preserve human dignity and have everyone share in any benefits that AI brings.  (Do not miss his Message “Artificial Intelligence and Peace”.)

Look ahead in June for more from the Holy Father, lots more.

Prime Minister Georgia Meloni of the host country, Italy, has invited Pope Francis to participate in the G7.  The operative word being participate.  He was not invited to send a letter to be read or make a speech there, but to participate.  Besides Italy, the participants will be the heads of state of the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.

Prime Minister Meloni announced the invitation as host of the conference taking place in Puglia, Italy.  She stated that the Italian government aims to enhance the contribution of the Holy See to the topic of Artificial Intelligence, and infuse ethics into the concrete application of the concept of “Algoraethics”.  That is to give ethics to algorithms, the pillars of AI.  Meloni placed emphasis on “The Rome Call” for ethics in 2020, that lead to seventy plus corporations, international societies and universities worldwide Pledging to infuse ethics into their working with AI.  The Holy Father is not just addressing the G7 meeting, he is invited to play an active part in strategic discussions and policy forming with the leaders of the free world!

PM Meloni closed by saying “It is the first time that a Pontiff will participate in the workings of the Group of Seven, and this can only bring prestige to Italy and the entire G7.  Not to mention the entire world. 

No pressure there, Holy Father, no pressure at all!

          Big Prayers needed for Pope Francis those days, June 13-15.


Not a Pretty Picture


AI and Catholicism