Silent Advocate
There are so many apparitions of the Blessed Mother to keep up with. I am devoted to Our Lady of Knock as a lawyer apart from my personal stake. Mary appeared in a small rural village in Ireland on August 21 overnight to August 22. In Irish history that’s an important date because that is the anniversary of the year the French invaded Killala in County Mayo Ireland to oust the British, and the day the great Irish Nationalist patriot, Michael Collins, was assassinated. But when Mary came in 1879. It was a time of great poverty in Ireland, with much suffering among her people.
Every year In Ireland the road signs and flyers and PR start August 1, reminding people that they can officially pray the novena to Our Lady of Knock, starting on August 14 and going through August 22. My personal bit is that my birthday is August 22, and my mother tells me that when I was born, all the Irish women in our neighborhood visited our house to pray and pin medals on my clothes. I think that is why I am so blessed.
From my lawyer alter ego, I am drawn to this apparition because it is the opposite of being a lawyer. Mary is often depicted as our Advocate. We ask her to place our hopes and prayers to God and intercede for us. That’s what a lawyer does. But at Knock she doesn’t say a word. For two and a half hours she and St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist, shown on the church gable wall and said not a word. What lawyer, what advocate does that? I make a living by talking. Most of us know mothers for whom a look says it all to her children. Maybe Mary was telling us to be still, be quiet, pray and meditate. At least that’s what I get out of her Knock apparition. Lawyers probably need that advice more than anyone. I know I do. So, in that way, the silent Mary is a special patron and reminder to lawyers on another way to communicate.
I am doing the novena this year for a special intention of mine. It’s selfish, but it’s important to me. Even without saying a word, I know Our Lady of Knock will be a good Advocate. Maybe for you too.
The web site for the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock is It’s good reading.