The Pope’s Vaccine


I know I said I’d continue the thread of “How to Be a Canon Lawyer,” but given recent events I think that is better saved for next week. This week there are just so many events that matter to Catholics as Catholics. From all of the national chaos and info out there, I pick The Pope getting a Covid vaccination. I am thrilled. He’s the one I would put next in line right after myself and my ninety-six year old mother. He qualifies for the vaccine just on age, without even considering his missing lung part. Well, at least if you go by the qualifications on Philly’s vaccine sign up site. If I go by that, Pope Francis would jump the line before me. Add in that his own private physician died this weekend from complications of Covid and Pope Francis should be in line ahead of the whole world. I don’t like the line the way it stands right now. It seems like it goes on forever and leaves a lot of worthy folks behind. But I am genuinely thrilled The Pope has made his way to the front.

A lot of Catholics aren’t as thrilled. I find that strange. There is a papal vaccine history with Pope Francis that has given some conservative Catholics and Bishops an excuse to try to shame The Pope into agreeing with them. Their main argument, besides the fact that they just don’t like him, is that the vaccine is contrary to their pro-life position. Specifically, the vaccines used stem cells from the 60’s, either in development or testing, that were remotely derived from aborted baby cells. Pope Francis found the tentacles are so remote and the benefit is so great that there is no moral objection to using the vaccines, all of them. On Christmas Day the Holy Father called the Covid vaccines “a light of hope” in this quagmire of a pandemic, adding that he did not understand vaccine resistance. I don’t either. But then again, my career in Civil Law has left me a little more jaded in life than the average bear.

I don’t understand how “pro-life” proponents can be so against abortion but not so with euthanasia and certainly not so with the folks sitting on death row. I am consistently pro-life and just do not get those who do the cafeteria thing of picking and choosing what they like about a broader issue, like Life. But I digress!

One of my favorite Canons is Canon 1370. Basically it says don’t smack The Pope. Well, maybe it doesn’t say that exactly but read it. It’s interesting. The Pope is the only one protected by this Canon and its excommunication is severe. But my Civil Law background makes me want to flip this Canon into the positive. It’s not just “don’t assault the Pontiff,” but rather I think it can be read as “support him in good health.” Wish him Buona Salute and even pray for that. And most of all, like me, be thrilled that he is getting the vaccine!

In all of his words and actions about vaccines, Pope Francis’ most important ones are what he said about poor countries on Christmas Day. He entreated that they not be forgotten. That we not leave them in our dust from running to get the vaccine that we know will be available to us, eventually. He entreated who? The drug manufacturers? The richer countries? The medical powers that be? What could be more pro-life than that? If you have an answer to that last question, please, let me know. I’ll read it after I am done praying for the phone call or email that finally arrives to tell me that mom and I are to come and get our vaccine now. But I am still pleased as can be that The Pope is being vaccinated this week! You go, Francis!


Happy Birthday MLK


St. Raymond Penyafort